Chapter Officers


Don Jordan, President

President: Don Jordan

Don Jordan is a 1984 graduate with a B.S degree in Data Processing (now known as Computer Information Systems). Born and raised in the sprawling Tallahassee “suburb” known as Midway, FL. One of the founding members of the Charlotte-Metro chapter in 1993 and served as President for the first six (6) years of the Chapter’s existence. Mr. Jordan is a 2015 recipient of the National Distinguished Alumni Award and a Lifetime member of the National Alumni Association.


  • Serves as the chair of the executive board and may serve as an ex-officio member of the Chapter committees

  • Manages the day-to-day business of the Chapter

  • Appoints committee chairpersons, except nomination and elections committees

  • Calls Chapter and board meetings and preside at those meetings

  • Ensures that the Chapter complies with all requirements as outlined by the Association and the Region, to include but not limited to, paying dues and assessments and filing reports

  • Has a working knowledge of parliamentary procedure including Roberts Rules of order, NAA Constitution and Bylaws, and current policies and procedures

  • Maintains open lines of communication with National and Regional NAA leadership for the benefit of the local chapter

  • Understands fiduciary responsibility to Chapter as well as University

  • Presents a written or oral status report at executive board meeting

  • Represents the chapter at National and Regional meetings

  • If unavailable, sends a designated representative

  • Influences communities and governmental activities that support the University’s priorities

Connie Evans, Vice President

Vice President: Constance Evans

Bio: Connie Evans is an Information Services professional with having worked in the Information Technology field for 17+ years. She specializes in healthcare, however recently embarked, in 2019, on a new career path in the banking industry. 

Outside of Connie’s Information Technology endeavors, she is the owner of C&B Enterprise that provides Event Planning for corporate and social events, property management for rental homes and commercial properties, and custom designs where your vision becomes a reality through her creative designs. 

Connie's first priorities are God and family where she's been blessed to be married to Billy Singletary (honorary Rattler who contributes just as much time to our social events), and mother of future Rattlers, twins Tyler and Tayler, and Alexander.


  • In the absence or disability of the President, or upon the President’s request, performs the duties of the President

  • No presidential appointments can be made while serving as the temporary presiding officer

  • Steers and guides both standing and appointed committees

  • Leads special projects at the designation of the President and Executive Board

  • Fosters communication with NC/SC FAMU Alumni Association chapter presidents

Vania Bredy, Secretary

Secretary: Vania Bredy

Vania Bredy, MSHCA, RHIA is a 2002 graduate with a B.S. degree in Health Information Management. Vania was born in Nassau, Bahamas, but was raised in Miami, Fl. Vania is an active alumni member of the Florida A&M M100 Alumni Association and has served in multiple capacities over the past few years, such as President of the local South Florida Chapter and recording secretary for the National M100 Alumni Association executive board.


  • Record and file records of the minutes of all meetings

  • Send meeting agendas meetings to the general body at least 2 days in advance

  • Provide copies of the minutes to active members within 7 days of adoption

  • Provide copies of the membership and executive board meeting agendas, and maintain a repository of the minutes, sign-in sheets, copies of contracts, and other pertinent business documents for the Chapter

    • Form 990

    • Bylaws

Dr. Layla McCall Stafford, Treasurer

Dr. Layla McCall Stafford, Treasurer

Treasurer: Dr. Layla McCall Stafford

Dr. Layla McCall Stafford is serving as our Treasurer. This Baxley, GA native is a 2000 graduate of FAMU. She, along with her husband and 2 children, lives in Harrisburg, NC. This life member is also a 2019 Distinguished Alumni Awardee in the area of community service presented by the Florida A&M University National Alumni Association, which is the highest award presented to alumni in their respective fields.


  • Receive and disburse the Chapter’s funds

  • Complete membership reports

  • Complete fundraising report annually

  • Coordinate transferring of accounts at the end of a term

  • Ensure disbursements are made in accordance with the guidelines in the Chapter’s annual budget and approved by the membership

  • Submit the current financial statement during each executive board and membership meeting

  • Submit an annual financial report at the May general membership meeting of the Chapter and send a copy to the Association




  • Provide answers on parliamentary procedures and constitutional issues

  • Serve on the Constitution and Bylaws Committee

  • Provide parliamentary opinions to the President when requested

Renee McCoy, Chaplain

Chaplain: Renee McCoy

Renee McCoy is a 1979 graduate of Florida A & M University with a B.S. in Broadcast Journalism/minor in Sociology. She is a "Life Member" of the FAMU National Alumni Association, 2020. Renee moved to Charlotte in 2013, after living in the Raleigh, NC area since 1982. Renee served as Charter/Chapter President of the Raleigh/Durham/Fayetteville Chapter of the FAMU NAA in 1986. 

Renee is a retired media professional after a 45+ year career in Television/ Radio Broadcasting and Public Relations in the southeast. McCoy is an Emmy Award winning journalist and former Adjunct Instructor of Communications at William Peace University (formerly Peace College) and Meredith College in Raleigh. 

In retirement, Renee enjoys mentoring aspiring journalist, consulting, traveling, cycling and competing in Masters track and field events. Her hometown is Jacksonville, Florida. She has an adult daughter, Iris, who also attended FAMU.


  • Provide Spiritual guidance for the Chapter

  • Lead the opening prayer during all Chapter sponsored meetings/events

  • Lead the closing prayer during all Chapter sponsored meetings/events